Sunday, 29 December 2024

Uke-Song, Denial Laiden: "BIG ROB REHAB CLINIC"

PARODY-LYRICS, reappearing after a decade ...
ORIGINALSONG: "Big Rock Candy Mountain" Harry McClintock 1928, also recorded by Burl Ives, Johnny Cash etc.
PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, May 2014.

Of interest, the original song is a described as a folk music song about a hobo's version of paradise, a modern extension of the medieval concept of "Cockaigne".

(to the tune of "Big Rock Candy Mountain")

(Click on any chord-chart slide to move to 'song-presentation mode'; then navigate through thumbnails at bottom of page.) 

Related Palindromes

No sir! Prefer prison!

Red rumba hero, "No rehab! Murder!"

Denial slain, Ed.

Pure, boss is! Sober up!

No reneg-gene, Ron.

Turret samba-herd do odd rehab; master rut

For more lyrics, pics, and palindromes on this topic see the post of May 3, "Suburbs' Guy".

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Simon and Garfunkel's Implanted Vision: The PALINDROMES of EVIL

ORIGINAL SONG: "The Sounds of Silence" 1964, Simon and Garfunkel. 
PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, April 2016.

 Also, two palindrome-songs have been posted on the current blog at posts #23 and #30 (see list below). 


Performing Notes

Fadd9 = 0013; Asus2 = 2200; Gadd9 = 2232

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Uke-song, The non-hunter's martial melody: "PEN OF RABBITS"

Harlech castle, Wales

ORIGINAL SONG: "Men of Harlech", traditional Welsh hymn
PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, August 2013.

Charlotte Church, child diva
 sings "Men of Harlech"


(to the traditional tune of "Men of Harlech")

Welch rare-bit / rabbit
Singable Introduction:
Still today caer Harlech perches,
Dominating YouTube searches - 
Startling, stirring  [1], song of Church's
Steals your breath away.

Here’s a song about Welsh Rare-bit [2],
Squarely dealing with the hare-bits -
Seen on fare-bills quite a fair bit,
Patrons seem perplexed.

Rabbit Welsh – offensive nomen-
-clature used by Saxon foemen ?
“No Welsh eats, but cheese and dough, man,
‘less they poach some game.” [3]

Meat-free choice? – Just ask your hostess,
Beer-and-cheese-melt over toast; its
Celtic fans applaud and boast, it’s
Cambria’s national meal.

Some meat-shunners might eschew it
Thinking it a hunter’s stew – but 
It lacks lagomorphs [4], that’s true – Bugs
Outwits Elmer Fudd!

Hare terse-verse is Nash’s [2]                 
Rare-bit search is Brasch’s [3]
‘HoJo’ wrote the spoof ‘Woad Ode’ [5]
Coniglio [6] penned some flashes.

Hail a dish that harms no hopsters
Not how Newberg hassles lobsters,
Fwycassees can fweak out sqwabsters -
Free the Cornish hen!

Easter rabbit hunt, New Zealand
Sadly, elsewhere, butchered rabbit
Satisfies game-lovers’ habits;
Easter special – Braised Brunch-Basket
Bunny-love abused.

Hard life in the burrows,
Where bereavement’s thorough;
Peters sad, their mom or dad
Got skewered for lunch ‘al burro’.

Hail a world that harms no hopsters,
Fricassees make quail no squabsters,
Calves should escape escalope, sirs !
Peace in field and warren !

[1] Charlotte Church aged 13, recorded the traditional ‘Men of Harlech’ 1998.
[2] Ogden Nash’s 2-line poem, ‘The Rabbits’
[3] Dr R. Brasch discusses the origins of ‘Welsh rabbit’ in ‘How Did It Begin’ , MJF Books, 2006.
[4] herbivorous mammals in a zoologic order which includes rabbits and hares.
[5] Best-known spoof  - a Boy-Scout song based on the ancient British tradition of fighting naked in woad dye -  by Eton housemaster W. Hope-Jones, ‘HoJo’, published 1921.
[6] Coniglio = rabbit  (Italian) 

Performing Notes

Enjoy chord-charts and lyrics at the Corktown Ukulele Jam songbook:
Corktunes: Pen of Rabbits

[C] Here’s a [F] song ab[C]out Welsh Rare-bit,
[F] Squarely [Dm] dealing [G] with the [G7] hare-bits -
[C] Seen on [F] fare-bills [C] quite a fair [F] bit,
[C] Patrons [G] seem per[C]plexed. [F] [C]

[G7] Hare terse-verse [G7sus] is [G] Nash’s           
[C] Rare-bit search [Csus] is [C] Brasch’s 
[C] ‘Ho[Csus]Jo’ [C] wrote the spoof ‘Woad Ode’ 
Coniglio penned [Csus] some [C] flashes.

final verse:
[F] Hail a [C] world that [Dm] harms no [C] hopsters,
[F] Fricas[Dm]sees make [G] quail no [G7] squabsters,
[C] Calves should [F] escape [C] es[G]ca[C]lope, [F] sirs !
[C] Peace in [G] field and [C] warren ! [F] [C] 

To play with a 'chimier' sound:

[C] Here’s [G7] a [F] song [G7] ab[C]out [G7] Welsh [C] Rare-[C5]-bit,
[F] Square[Am]ly [Dm] deal[Dm7]ing [G] with the [G7] hare-[G7sus]-bits -
[C] Seen [G7] on [F] fare-[G7] -bills [C] quite [G7] a [C] fair [F] bit,
[C5] Pat[C]rons [G] seem per[C]plexed.  [F]  [C]

Related Palindromes: 

Ate plate, elk cub, ergo ogre, buckle et al. - PETA.  

Sleep, eels. 

Step on no pets.

Meet animals; laminate 'em.

Pure talk. A yak later up.


Monday, 29 July 2024

Uke-Song (palindromic, traditional): "SIN and REDEMPTION"

ORIGINAL SONG: "He's Got the Whole World In His Handstraditional spiritual, first published in 1927.
PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, May 2016, subsequently upgraded. To return to the corresponding post on "Daily Illustrated Nonsense" (and to see the lyrics without the chord-chart indications) click HERE.


(to the tune of "He's Got the Whole World In His Hands")

The Palindromic Nature of Sin

0. Dennis never even sinned. 

1. Dennis sinned.

2. Dennis and Edna sinned.
    Dennis and Edna dined. Enid and Edna sinned.

3. Dennis, Enid and Nadine sinned.
    Dennis, Nora, Aaron sinned  

4. Dennis, Enid, Andy D., Nadine, sinned.
    Dennis, Nell, Edna and Ellen sinned.
    Dennis, Rod, Enid and Edna dined or sinned.

5. Dennis, Nell, Edna, Otto and Ellen sinned.
    Dennis and Ed, Nadine, Enid and Edna sinned.

6. Dennis, Nell, Edna, Eva, Dave and Ellen sinned.
    Dennis and Ed, Nadine, Eve, Enid and Edna sinned, 


Friday, 19 July 2024

Uke-Song: "RELIC SUBMARINES", in the style of The Beatles

U.S.S. Clamagore at Patriots Point
(background: Arthur Ravenel Bridge, in fog)

ORIGINAL SONG:  "Yellow Submarine", The Beatles 1966, with lead vocals by Ringo Starr.
BACKGROUND: Giorgio's substitute lyrics draw on his personal experience as an occasional denizen of South Carolina. With prominent tourist sites for the display of submarines from the Civil War, World War II and the Cold War, Charleston SC and the adjacent suburb of Mt Pleasant seem like a grim version of the Beatles' fantasy "land of submarines".

PARODY COMPOSED: Dr. G.H. and Giorgio Coniglio, December 2018. For further discussion and illustrations of submarines in Charleston, South Carolina, check our sister blogsite "Daily Illustrated Nonsense", by clicking HERE(You can also find a simpler version of the parody-lyrics for this song displayed without the chord-indications, should you desire.)

SONGLINKS: Giorgio's other satire lyrics substituted to Beatles' songs include "Vonnegut" (Imagine); "Saturday Night" (Yesterday); "Brennan's Tweet" (Let It Be); "Jake" (While My Guitar Gently Weeps).
Another song posted here relates to nuclear brinksmanship during the cold war. You might enjoy Giorgio's "Broken Arrow", to the tune of the Eagle's "Desperado". 


(to the tune of "Yellow Submarine")


(Click on any chord-chart slide to move to 'song-presentation mode'; then navigate through thumbnails at bottom of page.)