to "The Limerick Song", as in "The Flea and the Fly". See sactoGranny's recording on YouTube here.
LIMERICK VERSE: The lyrics for the corresponding poem by Giorgio Coniglio were originally web-published at the OEDILF website (the Omnificent English Dictionary in Limerick Form).
SONGLINK: To sing more lyrics about gun control, go to this earlier blogpost, "More Limericks of Gun-Control".
(to the tune of 'The Limerick Song')
Serena, next-door:
With our Glock-toting neighbor named Phyllis,
Her depression abating won't thrill us:
She's grown floridly manic;
Still our block need not panic
— While her safety-lock's on she won't kill us.
Two years back, when I registered 'Glock',
I took lithium pills by the clock.
Now, as you can deduce
We prefer to hang loose
And do nighttime patrols of the block.
Take my meds? Simple logic advises;
Now my nights are chock-filled with surprises.
Should those aliens rude
Pry or stalk or intrude,
With my Glock I'll just shoot for their eyeses.
Americans doubly are blessed:
For each issue, both poles are expressed;
That's a great guarantee
In this land of the free,
With your right to bear arms unrepressed.
With our Glock-toting neighbor named Phyllis,
Her depression abating won't thrill us:
She's grown floridly manic;
Still our block need not panic
— While her safety-lock's on she won't kill us.
Two years back, when I registered 'Glock',
I took lithium pills by the clock.
Now, as you can deduce
We prefer to hang loose
And do nighttime patrols of the block.
Take my meds? Simple logic advises;
Now my nights are chock-filled with surprises.
Should those aliens rude
Pry or stalk or intrude,
With my Glock I'll just shoot for their eyeses.
Americans doubly are blessed:
For each issue, both poles are expressed;
That's a great guarantee
In this land of the free,
With your right to bear arms unrepressed.
Author's Note from OEDILF: The two phases of bipolar illness or manic-depressive disease are manifested in unpredictable time sequence, with considerable disruption to patients, families, and even the surrounding community. Medications, including longterm lithium salts, are often helpful in maintaining equilibrium; however, prescribed drugs may be discontinued by patients who enjoy the feeling of accomplishment and creativity that accompany the hypomanic phase.
UKULELE-FRIENDLY FORMAT (and guitar, too!)
(Click on any chord-chart slide to move to 'song-presentation mode'; then navigate through thumbnails at bottom of page.)
For wordplay (palindromes, anagrams, eggcorns, creative cartography, etc.) and silly poetry (polished limericks), see our sister blog "EDIFYING NONSENSE" here.
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