POST #164:
Singable Limerick-Medley
ORIGINAL SONG: The melody for the spiritual ballad "Summertime" from the George Gershwin opera "Porgy and Bess".
1. In the far North Atlantic there’s dry land:
Friendly Iceland – it’s my kind of island.
You’ll be welcomed in Ísland *; cool and damp but at-peace land;
Summer-sun-all-day-but-you-won’t-fry land.
2. Tourists learn the Norse thermal god plays here;
The Icelandic locale known as ‘Geysir’.
From hot pools steam erupts - belching after he sups.
Then they head for the sign (that says),“Tour Bus Stays Here.”
3. E15, Iceland stratovolcano,
Spews out fog that can clog up your plane, Oh
If explain it I must - it’s just ashes and dust;
Can’t they flush it away with some Drano?
4. A cheap gift: though Björn thought he’d surprise her,
Björg rejected his second-hand geyser,
“What I’d prize is a freezer. Your poor wife, why displease her?
It just proves you’re a nasty old miser.”
5. If you’re planning an Iceland stopover:
Avoid months with an 'R', like October;
A7s = 0200; A7 = 0100; Dm7 = 2213; Gm = 0231; D7s = 2233; Gm7 = 0211;
Bb7 = 1211; A7+5 = 0110; Fdim7 = 1212

Singable Limerick-Medley

LIMERICK VERSE: Original verses composed by Giorgio Coniglio 2017, and compiled in January 2018. Several of the verses also appear, mildly modified, in the online limerick dictionary
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Ukulele chord-charts were adapted from an excellent version at "Dr Uke".
SONGLINK: A calypso-style song about a visit to Iceland in June 2015 was composed for this website under the title "Nordic Journal: Island in the Sun".
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Ukulele chord-charts were adapted from an excellent version at "Dr Uke".
SONGLINK: A calypso-style song about a visit to Iceland in June 2015 was composed for this website under the title "Nordic Journal: Island in the Sun".
Underpinnings: "Summertime"
1. Iceland / Ísland: dry land
2. Geysir
3. Eyjafjallajökull (E15)
4. Second-Hand Geyser
5. Stopover in Reykjavik (not a limerick)
Underpinnings: "Summertime"
1. Iceland / Ísland: dry land
2. Geysir
3. Eyjafjallajökull (E15)
5. Stopover in Reykjavik (not a limerick)
Display of the lyrics has been condensed to 4 lines for each verse, with internal rhyming in line 3, rather than the more customary 5-line limerick format.)
(to the tune of "Summertime")
1. In the far North Atlantic there’s dry land:
Friendly Iceland – it’s my kind of island.
You’ll be welcomed in Ísland *; cool and damp but at-peace land;
Summer-sun-all-day-but-you-won’t-fry land.
2. Tourists learn the Norse thermal god plays here;
The Icelandic locale known as ‘Geysir’.
From hot pools steam erupts - belching after he sups.
Then they head for the sign (that says),“Tour Bus Stays Here.”
3. E15, Iceland stratovolcano,
Spews out fog that can clog up your plane, Oh
If explain it I must - it’s just ashes and dust;
Can’t they flush it away with some Drano?
4. A cheap gift: though Björn thought he’d surprise her,
Björg rejected his second-hand geyser,
“What I’d prize is a freezer. Your poor wife, why displease her?
It just proves you’re a nasty old miser.”
Avoid months with an 'R', like October;
Reykjavik? Here's my warning: bars stay open til morning.
And the patrons aren't prone to stay sober.
* pronounced as EES-lahndt.
(Click on any chord-chart slide to move to 'song-presentation mode'; then navigate through thumbnails at bottom of page.)
Bb7 = 1211; A7+5 = 0110; Fdim7 = 1212
At this point you might wish to return to the post 'Singable Lyrics: Novel Melodies for Limericks' HERE.
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