Saturday, 12 November 2016

Singable Limerick-Medley: SONG FOR THE MORNING AFTER (the U.S. Presidential Election)

Leaders Unified for the Transition
POST #137 


ORIGINAL SONG: These verses were originally conceived to be sung to  "The Limerick Song", as per YouTube here.

LIMERICK VERSE:  Original poetry was composed by Giorgio Coniglio, and compiled in November 2017. Many of the poems have been published at the OEDILF website (the Omnificent English Dictionary in Limerick Form) by Giorgio Coniglio, 2016-2017. The OEDILF identifying number (#) and the Author's Note accompanying each poem, where relevant, are shown following the first verse. 
PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, November 2016.

1. Anagrams (D-O-N-A-L-D T-R-U-M-P)
2. Cleveland, 2016
3. Taking Liberties
4. Democracy


(to the tune of "The Limerick Song")

(Click on any chord-chart slide to move to 'song-presentation mode'; then navigate through thumbnails at bottom of page.)

Friday, 4 November 2016

Singable Limerick-Medley: DELIGHTS OF THE GARDEN

laneway scene
beyond a Charleston garden
POST #135        
SINGABLE LIMERICKS ORIGINAL SONG: These verses can be sung to  "The Limerick Song", as in "The Flea and the Fly". See sactoGranny's recording on YouTube here.
ORIGINAL LIMERICK VERSES: Many of the verses have been published at the OEDILF website (the Omnificent English Dictionary in Limerick Form) by Giorgio Coniglio, 2016-2017. The OEDILF identifying number (#), the "defined word", and the Author's Note accompanying the poem, where relevant, are shown beneath the chord-chart slide.

WORDPLAY LINK: Green-thumbed readers as well as wannabees can now

1. The Charleston Garden (Loutrel Briggs)
2. Creeping Fig
3. Tractor-Seat Plant 
4. Japanese Yew
5. Gazebos
6. Indica Azaleas 

Hotlink to Wikipedia: "Azaleas"

Hotlink to Wikipedia: "Vidalia onions"

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Singable Limerick-Medley: THE SOUNDS OF GUNFIRE

sactoGranny, singing
 clean limericks
Post #134
PARODY-SONG with GUEST ARTISTS  (various authors contributing limerick verses)
ORIGINAL SONG: These verses can be sung to  "The Limerick Song" as in "The Flea and the Fly". See sactoGranny's recording on YouTube here.
PARODY COMPOSED: Edited by Giorgio Coniglio, June 2016.KEYWORDS: wordplay, poetry, traditional.

Folks visiting Charleston are weepful
Contemplating our roof and our steeple
Nine brave souls blown away.
But just trust NRA,
vigil, Charleston SC
 June 2105
Who claim, "Guns don't, but people kill people".

(This verse was written in honour of the victims of the massacre at Mother Emmanuel Church in June 2015, and in tribute to the response of the City of Charleston, S.C)

ORLANDO CAUSATION  Dr Giorgio Coniglio dec
The press thought it incredibly lame - 
The retracted 'fact' spewed by McCain
(Not to mention the Trump
Whose tweets honor a dump-
-ster): That Obama's 'directly' to blame.

church-going hitman named Pluggitt
Taught young thugs this key Sten-gun nugget,
"After gun-swept pew: snug!
Wrap the corpse in a rug,
And be sure to pray after you've dug it."

TRUNCATED  Schort Schrift
A world where each person is armed
Is a world where no good guy is harmed
(Sounds of automatic gun-fire) ...........

A duck-hunting dad from Nantucket
Stashed his ammo in daughter Nan's bucket,
'Til bad-apple son Frank
American made - AR15.
Robbed the Pawtucket bank
And as for Nan's bucket, Frank tucket.

ANGER'S BYSTANDERS  Giorgio Coniglio
A bee and bat trapped in a bore
Could foresee what sad fate lay in store.
Said the bat, "Let it be!"
Said the bee, "No doubt that
We'll get zapped if they trigger a war!"

The grand drama of Chris' filibuster
Brought Democrat pols to the muster
But on-stage, GOP
In their entirety*
Turned in a performance lackluster. 
* an alternate version using the word 'hypocrisy' is possible, but not  recommended.

EDITOR'S NOTE  Giorgio Coniglio
On limerick verse, here's my slant:
Not for mannerly banter or rant
Stanzas stand to your credit;
Just be terse, aim and edit. 
You can't fire off-the-mark, then recant.

(also appearing in OEDILF #95326) 

When Harry went forth to meet Mimi
A gun filled his trousers' inseamy
But this concealed carry
Was so big for Harry
Said Mimi, "You're too glad to see me."

Big guns are akin to pit bulls
But it's guns has the trigger you pulls.
Folks can state, "By and large,
Careful owners in charge"
But their victims might call those folks, "Fools."

The chief of P.R. NRA,
the frontier of  belligerence
Called for openly arming all gays. 
As for bi's and transgenders,
The new weapons they'd tender
Were designed to discharge either way.

RETORT   Pooganagger
An old hunter and jester named "Rand"
Placed his shots with the best in the land,
Now he'll face this dillemer - 
He's developed a tremor
And his pacing has got out of hand.

1). We Canucks await a yuuge migration,
From our trigger-loose neighboring nation.
When the Trump rules that land
(NRA in command)
They’ll head North for a gun-free salvation.
2). GOP will create a new order;
Gun-control – they prefer to abort ‘er.
“Where’s Cape Breton?” “Up North”.
Yanks give thanks and go forth,
Weapons-stashes must stay at the border.
3). “Make America Great Again” – stating
Mandates Second Amendment updating. 
Gun sales mount; must you choose
To shoot whatever moves?
It’s a habit we find rather grating.

BUGS' EPITAPH    Trooper
Elmer Fudd, no dim-sighted fanatic,
Wasn't techno- or -logically static,
"I'll ewadicate wabbits
And their wascally habits
With my gun-show semI-automatic."