POST #73
PASTICHE of 2 ORIGINAL SONGS: parodysitism??
PASTICHE of 2 ORIGINAL SONGS: parodysitism??
RECIPIENT SONG (music): "Fifty Ways To Leave Your Lover", Paul Simon, 1975.
INVADING SONG (lyrics): words and themes borrowed liberally from "Kokomo" 1988, as performed by the Beach Boys.
PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, February, 2015.

KEYWORDS: goldenoldy, modernsong, parodysitism
Imagine that Paul Simon sang about a mid-winter escape to the Beach Boys' mythic Caribbean destination of Kokomo; with a nod to recent weather reports.
(to the tune of "Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover")PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, February, 2015.

KEYWORDS: goldenoldy, modernsong, parodysitism
Imagine that Paul Simon sang about a mid-winter escape to the Beach Boys' mythic Caribbean destination of Kokomo; with a nod to recent weather reports.
“Your problem is worsened by this nasty winter freeze,
Let's get away to moonlit nights off the Florida
There are some nifty ways to leave your
She said, “Escape it all for a great place to go.
And by jet we’ll get way down there fast,
then we can take it slow,
Everybody knows a dreamy place like Kokomo
There are some nifty ways to leave your
Nifty ways to leave your mukluks.
All-inclu’ in Aru’, Lou
Bake in Jamaic’, Jake
A month in Bermud’, dude
Just get ourselves warm.
Few weeks in Baham’, Sam,
Don’t need lots of lead-time,
Mellow Montego, Joe
Feel mystique - Martinique, Zeke
Glimpse Port-au-Prince, Vince
Glimpse Port-au-Prince, Vince
Survey Montserrat, Matt
Bodies in
hot sand.
Lounge in
St Kitts, Fritz
Rhythm of
a steel-drum band
Hop bars
in Negril, Bill
And get
yourself tanned.
She said,
“It peeves me so, car battery has died.
And our
street has not been plowed so all you’d do is slip and slide."
I said
”Snow day - there’s little open, so nowhere else to ride –
Back to
those nifty ways.”
She said,
“Let’s try a snowy afternoon delight
Then we
could drink some hot toddies and dream of those tropic nights.”
because I kept on shivering, I called to book a flight,
I yearned
for nifty ways to leave my mukluks.
Tour the bay by kayak, Jack
Get a new tan, Stan
Cruise to St Croix, Roy
Get keen on HolguĂn.
Surf Los Cabos, Gus
Don’t need skates or puck much
Explore cays and keys, Lee
Scuba-dive off Arub’, Stu
Flake in Jamaic’, Jake
Swim nude in Bermud’, dude
Live what Beach Boys sing.
On lam in Baham’, Sam,
No need to trudge slush much
Just toke in Mo'Bay, mam'
A 'Kokomo' fling.
Performing Notes:
Only a few harder chords here:
G6 = 0,1,0,1; FM7 =2,4,1,0 (5,5,0,0 will also do it) ; E9 = 1,2,2,2; G#dim7 = 1,2,1,2; Eb6 = 3,3,3,3
[Am] “Your problem is [G6] worsened by this [FM7] nasty winter [E9] freeze, [E7]
G6 = 0,1,0,1; FM7 =2,4,1,0 (5,5,0,0 will also do it) ; E9 = 1,2,2,2; G#dim7 = 1,2,1,2; Eb6 = 3,3,3,3
[Am] “Your problem is [G6] worsened by this [FM7] nasty winter [E9] freeze, [E7]
Let's [Am] get away to [G#dim7] moonlit nights [B7] off the Florida Keys.
[Am] We’ll defy [G6] gravity, per[FM7]fect our chemis[E9]try; [E7]
There are some [Am] nifty [Dm7] ways to leave your [Am] mukluks”.
All-inclu’ in [C] Aru’, Lou
Bake in Ja[Eb6]maic’, Jake
A month in Ber[F7]mud’, dude
Just get ourselves [C] warm.
Few weeks in Baham’, Sam,
Don’t need lots of [Eb6] lead-time,
Mellow Monte[F7]go, Joe
No snow – Largo [C] Key.
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